Bringing Artificial Intelligence to Boardroom
[By Abhinav Gupta] The author is a student at the National Law University, Jodhpur. Introduction While discussing his book, 21 lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Noah Harari points out that humans face existential crisis due to technological disruption. In his other book, Homo Deus: A brief history of tomorrow, he highlights the good and bad of artificial intelligence (AI). He believes that AI holds the potential to exterminate mankind. The emergence of cases where algorithms and AI have replaced humans has made this prophecy more increasingly daunting. Algorithms and AI are revolutionizing the way businesses operate. The disruptive effects of such technology have been felt across various business functions. These emerging technologies have the potential to create corporations that are completely autonomous and run by algorithms. At the same time, they can be used to just assist in increasing the efficacy of business operations. Business decisions require comprehending a variety of data and AI has proved its capability to process complex data to reach conclusions. The use of AI in boardrooms can help directors and benefit stakeholders by complementing them, if not substituting, in performing their functions. In this article, the author discusses how AI has the capability to revolutionize the functions of directors and what the operational and legal hurdles are in employing AI at the highest level in corporations. Artificial Intelligence AI has the ability to process huge amounts of data. While human intelligence can process only the seemingly important and related data, AI can process unrelated data as well, which might have a bearing on the decision. There are three kinds of AI, differentiated on basis of decision-making rights allocated to such AI, namely, assisted, augmented and autonomous. Under the assisted AI, the tech merely assists in the process of decision making and does not take decisions itself. The decision-making power continues to rest with the human. Augmented AI shares decision rights with humans and both learn from each other. On the other hand, autonomous AI completely replaces the human and operates independently of human intervention to take over all the decision rights. This distinction between different kinds of AI can be implemented in corporations in order to develop a robust technical environment. Using AI in Corporate Functioning The ability of AI, big data, and machine learning can be exploited to assist corporations in taking strategic decisions, managing risks and ensuring compliance. Moreover, humans are often faced by their cognitive biases which prevent them from considering certain relevant information or flip side of issues. AI, unlike humans, is free of these biases which can greatly affect the functioning of a corporation. AI would help directors in exercising ‘independent judgment’ and become appreciative of various views as each suggestion by AI will be based upon concrete data. AI can be used to channel contrarian views based on such data and reduce the occurrence of ‘groupthink’. Groupthink refers to a situation where an individual tends to agree with the viewpoint of the majority in order to form a consensus, irrespective of the validity or correctness of such viewpoint. Hence, directors will be able to convey dissent in boardrooms which is essential in order to ensure that decisions taken by the board are in the best interests of all the stakeholders rather than just the directors or a select group. AI can also be used for the selection of board members. With more and more information available about directors regarding their qualifications, past experiences, AI should be able to process this data to ascertain the future performance of the candidates in light of the objectives and future plans of the company. It would be easier for AI to comply with the law regarding the qualifications of directors. For instance, Section 149(6)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) provides that independent directors should have the relevant experience and expertise. Moreover, they should not have any pecuniary relationship with the company. Naturally, this would entail going through past transactions of the candidate as well as the company. An AI, which has all such data of transactions, would be much better equipped to determine if the candidate possesses such experience and expertise and whether they have any pecuniary relationship with the company, ultimately helping in compliance. The availability of data allows AI to foresee trends and at the same time handle the data of past and present, efficiently. Thus, AI can assist in the early detection of non-compliance, allowing the company to mitigate penalties and punishment associated with such non-compliance. It has been the approach of corporate law scholars that boards must be monitored in order to uphold the interests of shareholders and prevent self-serving directors from putting themselves before the corporation. The Indian regulator has conformed to such an approach by keeping checks on directors and providing for their duties (see Section 152; Section 166; Section 169; Section 171 of the Act). By keeping a record of all the transactions undertaken by the directors, AI allows keeping a tab on the functioning of the board to ensure compliance with the law. Be it reporting related party transactions (see Section 188 of the Act) or whether directors are complying with their duties under Section 166 of the Act or Schedule IV of the Act. Moreover, AI helps in handling the agency problem. The agency problem refers to the conflict of intentions of a principal and agent. Where the principal expects the agent to work in furtherance of his best interests, the agent would have certain interests of his own and might prioritise them over the principal’s interests. However, AI does not have any agenda of its own. It would operate on the basis of the available information and how it is employed by the directors. AI would act to the best of its capability in the best interests of the stakeholders rather than pursuing its own agenda. Directors authority and Duty to delegate to AI After affirming that AI has the capacity to make informed decisions, one must understand whether
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